Overseas Chambers of Peter Harris

27. Rapport Parlementaire du 17 septembre sur un projet d'imposition des citoyens français résident à l'étranger.

September 20th 2019

Those advising French nationals living outside France would do well to read the French version of this posting, Please click on the French language tab above ( Français). If you can't read French, then please consult

The French Parliiament's Finance Committee has published a report prepared by Deputies Coquerel and Mattei on 17th September, 2017 setting out ten proposals to tax French expatriates. I stress that whilst French tax exiles to territories colnsidered to have fiscally privileged tax régimes are mentioned, any French national resident outsige France could be affected.

Please contact Peter Harris on 01534 62879 or peter.harris@overseaschambers.com for details and, if needed, advice.