Overseas Chambers of Peter Harris

Accessing the French investment market in the Macron era from a Channel Islands perspective.

August 10th 2018

There is an increasing number of private offerings being made by French asset managers, which are available to Channel Island  investors.


Addressing the fiscal issues on such passive investments is relatively straight forward. However, one strategic imperative is the ever present threat of a blacklisting from either the French government or from the EU.


There are means of establishment  in France which are available to parry such issues, but the more cautious might wish to use a less penetrative option.


That is a less expensive option to setting up a dedicated fund in the Channel Islands to invest in the growing calls for capital being made from Paris in the build up to Brexit.


Coupled with the impatriate régime available for those individuals secondable to Paris- effective rates of 9% and associated travel allowances from the employer - the overall picture is very good for a medium term indirect investment, with a secondment of a personnel to a French investment manager or to a representative office of the Channel Islands organisation in Paris.


Channel Islands Family offices or Investment managers seeking exposure to the Parisian market  might wish to explore this option whilst the capital flows into Paris are encouraged tide.

Were the tide to change, politically, the indirect method of investing might be less risky than a direct investment in an active Paris office.


Peter Harris can assist with the general and specific dual language  advice needed for such initiatives.