Overseas Chambers of Peter Harris

European Council mandates European Commission to negotiate with European States and Territories outside the European Communities to implement changes to the Savings Directive.

December 11th 2013

Bad news for the French blacklisting attempt.

The list of European States and Territories outside the European Communities, and therefore  subject to a potential blacklisting by France only includes:

Switzerland, Liechtenstein, Monaco,  Andorra (a French protectorate) and San Marino.

Jersey is nowhere to be seen on this list which compiled by the European Council and the Commission.

The expression of this EU  and EC constitutional principle has therefore significantly more force than a French Minster's arrêté, which it must override. It simply confirms the position taken by European Commissioner Prodi in a response to the European Parliament in 2003, detailed on the resources page.  Perhaps the French rose tinted or herbaceous MEPS don't listen to or switch off the simultaneous translation, in case they hear something they might be forced to understand.

"Gon out Bizy Bakson?" ......

A tactful footnote reminds the reader that Jersey as a Dependency has negotiated, but omits to mention that that is  within its status as a European territory within the Communities and the Union, whose relationship within those is defined by article 229 TFEU, and subject to Protocol 3 .

It is going to be a pleasure to have the French decree struck down on the first attempt by the French administration to assess at exorbitant rates of 75% and Contributions sociales.

The French are going to have to learn to read.

