Overseas Chambers of Peter Harris

A way through the confusion of French lawyers as to English Renvoi in the EU Succession Regulation 650/2015

May 5th 2015

THe EU Succession Regulation 650/2012 :

There have been significant errors made by French and other continental lawyers in their assessment of what English renvoi is about, with the result that they are opining that a British national habitually resident in France is unable to opt for the law of nationality in his will or wills under the EU Succession Regulation.

Peter explains in detail why this position is incorrect, both from the viewpoint of English law, and further under the provisions of the Regulation itself.

See the article on the Resources page which addresses the concerns for British nationals habitually resident in France who wish to opt for the law of their nationality to remove their succession from forced heirship preoccupations.

A further article addressed to the situation of  British residents, whatever their nationality may be,  who have assets in France will follow later this week or the next.